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Very disappointed in the quality of the flowers provided in a bouquet I received as a gift. Received them on the Saturday and by Sunday the hydrangea was limp, the cream roses bruised and the purple alium was dropping its flower buds before opening. I phoned the shop to let them know and I was told to cut an inch of the stem of the hydrangea and stand it overnight in boiling water which worked for another day. The roses are that type of rose, and the alium doesn't flower. So basically they had an answer for everything I was complaining about. I am not new to flowers as I have a garden full of roses, aliums and hydrangeas, infact myself and hubby won garden of the year in our area for three years running. I would definitely rather have bought 4 bunches of aldi's flowers that would have lasted nearly two weeks instead of a few days. And to top it off they charge £5 for delivery in the same town. I wouldn't recommend wasting your money.

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